Monday, December 30, 2019

Worldcom s Management Team A Lack Of Professional...

2) WorldCom’s management team was hesitant to communicate with Arthur Andersen, this an issue that revealed a lack of professional skepticism that Andersen exercised. There are many examples and observations that show a lack of professional skepticism shown by Andersen. Some of these observations include; 1) A failure to request supporting evidence for recorded transactions that needed it; 2) Several request for interviews and information were denied by WorldCom when Andersen asked for these request; 3) WorldCom failed to disclose vital information to the Audit Committee at WorldCom such as their maximum risk classification; 4) WorldCom’s top management prohibited auditors from Arthur Andersen from gaining access to the computerized general ledger 3) The two primary ways of conducting substantive tests are (1) substantive analytical review and (2) test of details. A substantive test is used to gather evidence that proves whether an account balance or an economic transaction was recorded in accordance with GAAP. When using substantive analytical reviews, an auditor must first develop their own expectation of what they think the account balance should be and once developed, the expectation is compared to what the recorded amount is. This technique is used to identify any possible material misstatement. Significant differences have to be investigated and supported with evidence. This process must be done with exact precision and a high degree of accuracy. SubstantiveShow MoreRelatedEthics and Professional Responsibility2705 Words   |  11 Pagesor prevent firms from doing immoral acts. Before Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, auditing for both public and privately held companies followed the AICPA s standards of the 10 generally accepted auditing standards. In the years 2000-2002, there had been an increased of major corporate accounting scandals. Large corporations such as Enron and WorldCom went into bankruptcy by trying to cover up their losses and debt. In response to the all the fraud, the US government passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. TheRead MoreAudit Cases14211 Words   |  57 PagesProfessional and ethical issues c a S eS inc lu de d in t hiS Se ction 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 A Day in the Life of Brent Dorsey Staff Auditor Professional Pressures 59 63 65 71 79 3.2 Nathan Johnson’s Rental Car Reimbursement Solving Ethical Dilemmas–Should He Pocket the Cash? Recognizing It’s a Fraud and Evaluating What to Do . . . . . . 3.3 The Anonymous Caller 3.4 WorldCom The Story of a Whistleblower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Teaching And Assessment Is Important - 842 Words

Teaching/assessment is complex Research has established the fact that teaching is not so simple as transferring one’s knowledge of a particular subject to a classroom of blank slates. Defining what a teacher should know about the subject that he or she is teaching is highly debated in and of itself. Moreover, there is no consensus on what knowledge is required for proficient teacher practice. Studies suggest that these domains of knowledge are actually interrelated and simultaneously independent. This means that we know that the knowledge that teacher has in physics informs his or her knowledge of the most appropriate methods of supporting student learning of physics, and vice versa, yet we do not really understand the mechanism that ensures teachers make the best pedagogical choice. This makes the role of teacher educators particularly difficult, both in supporting in-service teachers in improving their practice, as well as best preparing pre-service teachers in order to be b est equipped upon entering the field. In teaching, there is an expectation for learning on the job. Unfortunately, this method is not proving to be effective when it comes to student performance. The most recent measurement of our country’s academic progress reported losses in both mathematics and reading. Context Large-scale efforts have been undertaken in order to address some of the problems thought to be contributing to our students’ marginal success. One such effort has been ferventlyShow MoreRelatedEffective Instruction For English Learners1414 Words   |  6 Pagesgovernment requires every school that has more than 5 percent non-English speakers to provide these with specialized programs. The authors go to explain useful instructions for teaching students English Language. They also review the most successful models for teaching non native speakers. The authors indicate that the most important approach to enhance and improve the outcomes for English learners is to reform the â€Å"entire† school, and use an effective approach such as the approach of Success for All(SFA)Read MoreThe Importance Of Reflective Practices That Provide Opportunities For Mathematics Teachers1665 Words   |  7 Pagesexperiences are very important. The research I have found supports the use of reflective practices even if it means slowing down the pace of the material covered. One type of reflective practice is formative assessments. The research I have found will show examples of different types of formative assessments, how to implement formative assessments, and the benefits of using formative assessments as a reflective practice. There are many ways to utilize formative assessments and they are very effectiveRead MoreThe Importance Of Practices Used By Teachers959 Words   |  4 Pagesof inquiry-based teaching strategies and their use within the classroom. In the article: Unwritten Bedfellows: Discipline- based Inquiry and Standardized Examinations by Sharon Friesen, she explores the impacts of inquiry based teaching on provincial achievement exams scores. She concluded that using inquiry-based strategies had a positive impact on student achievement exam scores. These findings raise many issues with regards to the shift from old to new paradigm teaching strategies. FriesenRead MoreProfessional Development Of An Effective Teacher1432 Words   |  6 Pagesdevelopment of an effective teacher. Drawing on relevant literature, identify and explain four key aspects that are important for teacher development. 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Such assessment becomes ‘formative assessment’ when the evidence isRead MoreUsing Group Activities As Formative Assessment Essay1474 Words   |  6 PagesActivities as Formative Assessment in Mathematics Classroom The modern educational system is characterized by an increase demand for accountability and high-stakes testing. The demand for such accountability and testing is demonstrated in the quest for the use of summative assessments that provide a summary of the learning progress of students. Generally, the push for increased accountability and high-stakes testing has contributed to the use of different kinds of assessments that are administeredRead MoreUnit 302 Level3 In Education And Training1634 Words   |  7 PagesTraining Task Ai      a) Outline the key features of inclusive teaching and learning Inclusive learning is about ensuring all your learners have the opportunity to be involved and included in the learning process. It’s also about treating all learners equally and fairly, without directly or indirectly excluding anyone. Inclusion is about attitudes as well as behaviour, as learners can be affected by the words or actions of others. You are not teaching you’re subject to a group of learners who are all theRead MoreThe Importance Of Patient Education For Nursing1616 Words   |  7 PagesPatient education plays a vital role in nursing, and as first year nursing students it is important to our career to develop skills in the process of teaching as well as developmental theories. To practice this teaching process, we conducted two interviews with a 19-year-old female currently in the early adulthood stage. Ghorbani, Soleimani, Zeinali and Davaji (2014) state that patient education has been shown to reduced anxiety of patients and improve the satisfaction o f health care. Client educationRead MoreTeaching A Student Centered Environment1220 Words   |  5 Pagescreating and teaching a student-centered environment in the classroom. The three main steps are the environment of the classroom, teaching in a way that is student-centered, and assessing students. While these might not be everything entailed to create a student-centered environment, it gives the general idea of a student-centered environment. In this midterm paper I hope to explain in detail each and every one of these steps, the first step being environment. Environment is key when teaching a student-centeredRead MoreMy Understanding Of Effective Learning1543 Words   |  7 Pagesfactors such as prior knowledge and sociocultural context (Duchesne, 2013). When implementing a social constructivist theory in order to help students learn effectively, it is important to recognising the diversity of students in the classroom and adapting your teaching by using a variety of teaching methods, resources and assessments strategies. I also believe that creating a safe leaner-centered environment is essential for effective learning. As the fourth standard from the (Australian Professional

Saturday, December 14, 2019

A Peculiar Person I Met Free Essays

A peculiar person I met â€Å"Humble beginnings seldom pay†- When I was traveling to Mumbai from Vadodara by train during last summer vacation along with my parents, met one young man who was sitting opposite to my seat. He was looking good and obviously confident also. After passing few minutes he asked about me and thus started our interaction. We will write a custom essay sample on A Peculiar Person I Met or any similar topic only for you Order Now He was none other than Mr. Sarath Babu, who is known as a â€Å"mealion†boy. As mentioned in starting, â€Å"Humble beginnings seldom pay†. But E Sarath Babu will not buy that. For this 28-year-old, rags-to-riches are not just another adage. It’s his very foundation of success. From a slum in Chennai to the top echelons of academia with an enrolment in chemical engineering at BITS Pilani and IIM-A, and now as the steward of his Food King Catering business, Sarath has come a long way. His humility perhaps made him reject several high-brow offers from MNCs after his MBA. That, in a way, was the genesis of Food King Catering—with paltry Rs 2,000 seed money. I was really impressed by his politeness; simplicity and clarity about his way carry forward in life. He told me that today, his food business spans six locations with a Rs. 9-crore turnover and have a plan to increase the same to Rs. 20-crore by end of the year. For Sarath, his mother, who once sold idlis on the pavements of Chennai and worked as an ayah, is a pillar of strength. â€Å"Her sacrifice eggs me on†, says Sarath. Apart from bringing up four children, Sarath’s mother worked as a cook for the mid-day meal scheme for 11 years and got paid just a rupee each day. He was really struggled during his study period and only source of income was his mother’s income. He was well aware that he should do very well in his studies and get sufficient income for him as well his family. He studied hard and completed his engineering and further MBA from IIM Ahmedabad. It was the real example of success which is over coming inadequate resources. I remember that often we used to misuse the facilities we are having and complain about silly things. We have good house to reside, good cloths to wear, bycicle to ply to school and tuition and pocket money whenever demanded. Still not satisfied!!. Now I am sure that how much high the level of struggle you have in life, your progress also will be very high in life, and the same will make a strong foundation of your future life and guide you towards positive growth. Mr. Sarat still remembering that as his mother’s income was insufficient, she mom sought refuge in the food business to supplement her meager income. As she rolled dough in the form of idlis, dosas, bhajjis and appams, it was Sarath’s job to sell them in the neighbourhood. â€Å"For kids living in a slum, idlis for breakfast is something very special,† says Sarath even to this day. A natural entrant to the food business with acquired acumen in childhood, Sarath has trained his sight higher. From the current 250 people, he’s aiming to recruit 2,000 people by next year, â€Å"and probably, 5,000 in the next two years†. This shows his vision, mission and planning accordingly. In everybody’s life all should have a clarity that what should do and where we will stand after certain period. That is first set your goal, plan accordingly and act immediate. This will surely ensure your success. Initially, his catering business, with two units in Ahmedabad, was Rs 2,000-per -day in the loss. â€Å"But I burnt the midnight oil literally to get a solution,† Sarath told me. It’s worth a mention here that Sarath spent most of his childhood in the dark, without electricity. He focused on volumes rather than simple servings, and started taking contracts from institutions and companies. Please remember that if you want to grow think big and do big. To bag an order, Sarath even slept on the platform of Mumbai’s railway station. â€Å"That’s one of my finest nights I’ve ever had,† Sarath reminisces. Today, Food King is targeting 100 clients, including 50 top institutions and 50 corporates for the snacks business — South Indian, North Indian and Chinese food. Food business is not just about selling but also taking care of quality and the people associated with it, Sarath points out. He now envisions FoodKing’s Palace (food malls) across cities where all kinds of Indian food would be served at â€Å"economical rates†. And how does he manage his team? â€Å"I ask them to write their dreams on a piece of paper and advise them to think of developing themselves,† says Sarath. As mentioned before, think big, plan and act. You are the best judge of you, not any one else. Make clear strategy and homework before getting in to anything in life. The will boost your morale and confidence level. I was indeed impressing upon how he is taking advantage of reverse situations also. Is he really worried about inflation or price-rise in food products? When most of the restaurants have increased their prices, Sarath sees an opportunity to serve at a cheaper price. â€Å"Sourcing from one place makes a lot of difference. I will tap this opportunity,† says Sarath. Today, he drives a Chevrolet to take his mother for a ride to oversee his business units in Chennai. â€Å"Next, I want to build a house for my mother,† says Sarath. Remember- don’t panic on when adverse situations happens in life, treat it as an opportunity and learn to convert the same in to success. I still remember this peculiar person I met during my journey which has really improved my thought process and given me a clear cut clarity how to think, plan and act on the things we want to do in life. How to cite A Peculiar Person I Met, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Research Essay – Buacc2606 Financial Accounting

Questions: If it accepted that financial information should be useful for economic decision making in terms of deciding whether to make resources available to a reporting entity, as the IASB conceptual framework indicates, a subsequent element to consider is the qualitative characteristics that financial information should have if it is to be useful for such decisions. 1.Describe what you understand by the above statement and explain briefly the qualitative characteristics. 2. Discuss and describe two IASB / AASB accounting standards and the utilisation of the qualitative characteristics to promote decision useful information. 3. Select a company from the Australian Securities Exchange website and download the most recent annual report. With regard to your chosen standards, and in the context of your company annual report, comment on the effect the qualitative characteristics have had on the financial statements. Answers: Introduction The Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting lays forward the ideas that bring about financial bookkeeping and reporting. The structure is a lucid arrangement of interconnected goals and essentials that recommends the character, capacity, and confinements of financial reporting (Bradshaw, M., et al 2010). Financial reporting ought to incorporate clarifications and translations and other data expected to help stakeholders/users comprehend the financial data gave. The helpfulness of financial data to financial specialists, leasers, and others in framing desires around a company possibly will be improved by administration's clarifications of the data. Administration recognizes more regarding the business and its undertakings than financial specialists, leasers, or other outsiders and can regularly build the handiness of financial data by recognizing a few exchanges, different occasions, and situations that influence the undertaking and clarifying their financial effect on it. How qualitative characteristics are used as a basis for choosing accounting methods Financial data exhibited in financial articulations needs to encompass a few significant qualities which turn it valuable for the clients. By GAAPS regularly frame such gauges in their systems. IASB Conceptual Framework arranges these into crucial subjective qualities and upgrading subjective attributes. These incorporate Relevance- It needs financial data to be important to the choice making requirements of the clients. Materiality- It obliges bookkeepers and examiners to spotlight on financial data which is required to influence the choices of the clients. Faithful demonstration- It needs the financial data to be genuine and reasonable and without any error. Comparability- It needs the financial data to be equivalent crosswise over periods and crosswise over organizations. Verifiability- It needs the data to impart the fundamental financial aspects of the organization's trade. Timeliness- It obliges revelation of financial data not to be exorbitantly deferred. Understandability- It needs the financial data to be justifiable by clients with sensible information of business and monetary functions. Diagram: decision making and the qualitative characteristics Handiness is an abnormal state reflection. To provide like an important measure or principle alongside which to review the consequences of financial accounting, handiness has to be prepared additional solid and particular by investigating it into its segments at lower levels of reflection. The two essential segments of handiness are pertinence and dependability. At the same time as those ideas are further solid than handiness, they are still truly dynamic. That is the reason Concepts Statement 2 centers at a pretty further solid level, where the ideas of prescient quality and reaction worth, auspiciousness, figurative loyalty, evidence, nonpartisanship, and likeness mutually hand out as criteria for deciding data's value. Financial reporting data may have shifting degrees of value to distinctive capital suppliers. Upgrading subjective attributes recognize more helpful data from less valuable data. They improve the choice helpfulness of financial reporting data that is pertinent and dependably spoken to. Improving subjective qualities (similarity, undeniable nature, opportunity and understandability) ought to be boosted to the degree conceivable. In any case, the improving subjective qualities, either exclusively or working together with one another, can't settle on data helpful for choices if that data is unessential or not dependably spoken to. Similar data empowers clients to distinguish likenesses in and contrasts between two sets of financial phenomena. Irrefutable data loans validity to the statement that financial reporting data speaks to the financial phenomena that it implies to speak to. Opportuneness gives data to chiefs when it has the ability to impact choices. Understandability is the nature of data that empowers clients to understand its importance. Giving valuable financial reporting data is restricted by two pervasive stipulations, materiality and expense. Data is material in the event that its exclusion or misquote could impact the choices that clients make on the premise of a substance's financial data. The profits of giving financial reporting data ought to advocate the expenses of giving that data. For the purpose of setting accounting standards, handiness can't be deciphered to denote whatever a specific entity deciphers it to denote. A decision that a bit of data is valuable have to be the aftereffect of a cautious examination that affirms initially that the data has the characteristics at the mainly solid level of the chain of command: Whether it is opportune and does it encompass prescient or criticism worth or both? Whether it is representationally dedicated, obvious, and nonpartisan? In case it has those qualities, it is pertinent and dependable. At exactly that point, if data has endured that sort of assessment, would it be able to be considered valuable (Ball, 2006). EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 119 AASB 119 Employee Benefits is almost same as IAS 19 of the similar term as copied by the International Accounting Standards Board. The goal of AASB 119 is to endorse the accounting and divulgence for worker benefits. It is pertinent for yearly reporting episodes starting on or following 1 January 2005. Data about impacts of exchanges and different occasions and circumstances that change a employee benefits and the cases on them helps a client of the substance's financial reports to survey the sum, timing and instability of its future money streams. Such data moreover helps a client to survey the viability with which administration has released its stewardship obligations to the capital suppliers of the element. That data incorporates quantitative measures and other data about changes in financial sets and claims that are a consequence of the employee benefits' financial execution, which are reflected by accumulation bookkeeping and money streams amid a period, and changes that are not a consequence of the element's financial execution, (for example, financing exchanges between the firm and its employees). AASB 119 has been implemented by Billabong to record for all employee benefits, aside from those to which AASB 2 Share-based Payments relates. These staff benefits of Billabong encompass: 1. short-term profits, for example, compensation, pay rates, compensated yearly leave, rewards and non-fiscal benefits, for example, therapeutic consideration, lodging, autos and free/sponsored products or facilities 2. Post-working benefits, for example, post-job therapeutic consideration, and pension fund 3. Other long haul advantages, for example, long-administration leave, vacation leave and conceded remuneration 4. Departing benefits 5. Benefits gave to the companion, kids or dependants of recruits Meanings of employee benefits for Billabong incorporate worker benefits, reasonable quality, other long haul employee reimbursement, fleeting employee payback and end payback. Short-term Employee Benefits (paragraphs 23) 1. In case an employee has performed job with Billabong amid the reporting phase, perceive the undiscounted sum anticipated that will be paid in return for those administrations as a cost 2. the anticipated expense of short-tem repaid nonattendances is perceived as a cost: 3. In case the administration is served expanding the employee's qualification to benefits for gathering repaid nonattendances; and 4. In case the nonappearances happen for non-gathering repaid nonattendances Profit-share and installments for the bonuses are perceived as a cost when: Billabong has a present lawful or valuable commitment as a consequence of past occasions; and a solid assessment can be formed due to the commitment a risk is perceived for any not paid transient benefits Post-job reimbursement: Defined assistance arrangements (passages 48-125) Accounting for characterized benefit arrangements includes the accompanying steps: 1. utilizing actuarial strategies to gauge the benefit workers have been paid as an exchange for their job in the present and earlier times 2. discounting that payback utilizing the anticipated entity credit strategy to focus the present estimation of the characterized benefit commitment and the existing administration expenditure 3. Assessing the fair value (FV) of any arrangement resources 4. Assessing the aggregate sum of actuarial profits and misfortunes, and the sum needed to be perceived 5. At place an arrangement has been presented or changed, deciding the precedent administration cost 6. At point an arrangement has been abridged or settled, deciding the ensuing increase or misfortune For Billabong, the sum perceived as a characterized benefit risk, is the net aggregate of the accompanying: 1. The PV (present value) of the characterized benefit commitments at the day of reporting, as per actuarial suppositions (IASB, 2007) 2. Less the reasonable estimation of any arrangement resources (from which the commitment will be settled) at the day of reporting (Amendment to International Accounting Standard IAS19 Employee Benefits, 2004) 3. Adding actuarial profits (less actuarial misfortunes) not perceived 4. Less any previous administration cost not perceived till now The disposable of the accompanying sums for Billabong is to be perceived in gain or misfortune: Present administration expenditure Interest expense The projected profit for any arrangement resources and any repayment privileges Actuarial additions and misfortunes Precedent administration expenditure The impact of any decreases or payments Other Long-term Employee Benefits (paragraphs 126-131) Billabong perceives an obligation for other long haul reimbursement equivalent to: The PV of the characterized benefit commitment at day of reporting Less the FV of any arrangement resources at the day of reporting It perceives as cost or earnings the net aggregate of defined sums together with: Present administration expenditure Interest expense Actuarial increases and misfortunes Precedent administration overheads Termination reimbursement (paragraphs 132-143) Billabong perceives an obligation and an overhead for end benefits when it is certifiably dedicated to either: come to an end of the vocation of employee(s) prior to the typical day of retirement; or offer end benefits as a consequence of an proposal furnished to energize deliberate excess billabong is evidently dedicated to an end at the time and just at the time it has an itemized official arrangement for the end and is devoid of practical plausibility of pulling out At point wherein end benefits fall due more than12 months after the day of reporting, they have got to be cut-rate using the discount rate as explained above. PRESENTATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 101 AASB 101 Presentation of Financial Statements (reissued in September 2007) is proportional to IAS 1 of the identical term like given by the IASB. The destination of AASB 101 is to endorse the premise for arrangement of broadly useful fiscal reports. It is material for yearly reporting times starting on or following 1 January 2009, with right on time selection from 1 January 2005 allowed. The primary necessities of the modified AASB 101 (amended) are: Application and Scope (paragraphs Aus1.1-6) The wording utilized as a part of the standard is suitable revenue driven businesses, together with public segment business firms. Notwithstanding benefit firms as of the private or public segments apply this principle, revisions might be expected to the depictions of a few things as well as financial statements Definitions (paragraphs 7-8) Billabongs description for presentation of financial statements incorporate universally useful financial statements, IFRS, inventory, notes, other comprehensive earnings, Directors report, PL, complete exhaustive income and exceptional reason financial statements. A set of financial statements for Billabong comprises: 1. Period ending statement for financial position 2. The statement of comprehensive income for the stated time phase 3. A report of changes in equity for the stated time phase 4. A statement of cash flows for the stated time phase (Mańko, 2011) 5. Notes, involving an outline of noteworthy accounting approaches and other data for Billabong 6. A statement of financial position as toward the beginning of the most primitive relative period, at the time Billabong implemented an accounting approach reflectively or had a review change. In spite of the fact that Billabong utilizes different headings for these reports/ statements. Financial statements should genuinely introduce the financial position, financial execution and money streams of a business. The Corporations Act obliges a firm's (Billabong's) monetary report to agree to Australian Accounting Standards. Billabong unveils in the notes a declaration that the financial statements have been arranged as per Australian Accounting Standards. Billabong likewise uncovers in the notes if the report is a universally useful or exceptional reason financial report. Given that Billabong's financial statements follow IFRS, it must put forth an unequivocal and open statement of such agreeability in the notes. Financial statements of Billabong are arranged on a going concern premise. In the event that administration is mindful of monetary vulnerabilities, it must reveal those instabilities. A substance's financial presentation gives data about the return it has delivered on its financial assets. Over the long haul, an element must deliver a positive profit for its financial assets in the event that it is to produce net money inflows and in this way give a come back to its capital suppliers. The variability of that return is likewise critical, particularly in evaluating the instability of future money streams, as is data about the segments of that return. Capital suppliers typically discover data about a substance's past financial execution accommodating in foreseeing the substance's future profits for its assets furthermore in evaluating administration's capacity to release its stewardship obligations to its capital suppliers. According to the standard, the financial statements for Billabong are as per the accrual basis, with the exception of the CFS (Cash flows statement). Every monetary division of comparable things is introduced independently. Accrual bookkeeping delineates the financial impacts of exchanges and other occasions and circumstances that have money or different outcomes for an substance's assets and the cases on them in the periods in which those exchanges, occasions or circumstances happen. The purchasing, creating, offering and different operations of an element amid a period, and in addition changes in fair esteem and different occasions that influence its monetary assets what's more the cases on them, frequently don't harmonize with the money receipts and installments of the period. Data in financial reports about an substance's assets and claims and changes in assets and cases for the most part gives a superior premise to surveying past execution and future prospects than data exclusiv ely about the element's present money receipts and installments. Without accrual bookkeeping, critical financial assets and claims on assets would be barred from financial proclamations. There is no offset among the liabilities and assets of Billabong, given that these are not particularly allowed by an alternate Australian Accounting Standard. A comprehensive set of financial statements, with near data, has been introduced half yearly. Relatives for the former phase are accommodated for all sums and account/enlightening data. At the point when a business alters the presentation or arrangement of things in the financial accounts, similar sums is additionally being renamed by Billabong, in spite of the fact that this had not been the situation in the year 2013-14. In case this kind of arrangements for reclassification would have happened, it must be important for Billabong reveal the attribute, sum and purpose behind reclassifying it. In the event that impracticable, it needed to reveal the reason and nature. Data about an element's financial execution amid a period reflected by changes in its assets and the cases on those assets, other than changes coming about because of financing exchanges, is additionally valuable in surveying the element's past and future capacity to produce net money inflows. That data demonstrates the degree to which the element has expanded its accessible financial assets, and accordingly its ability for creating net money inflows, through its operations instead of by getting extra capital from capital suppliers. Data about an element's financial execution amid a period portrayed by changes in its assets and the cases on those assets may likewise demonstrate the degree to which occasions, for example, changes in business costs or investment rates, have expanded or diminished the substance's financial assets and the cases on those assets, along these lines influencing the element's capacity to produce net money inflows. Alterations in accounting principles for Billabong The latest or amended accounting principles which got to be successful for the reporting phase beginning on 1 July 2013 are AASB 10 Consolidated Financial Statements, AASB 13 Fair Value Measurement and modified AASB 119 Employee Benefits. There has been no effect to the interim financial accounts like an aftereffect of the latest or amended accounting principles. There are no different principles that have gotten to be compelling from the earliest starting point of the reporting period that are required to boast a monetary effect on the consolidated firm in the present or upcoming reporting periods and on predictable upcoming deals. Other disclosures comprise: 1. total of dividends anticipated or confirmed prior to the financial statement was approved in favor of issue however not identified, along with the linked sum for each share 2. the domestic and authoritative document of the element, its nation of consolidation and location of enlisted office 3. family name of parent and decisive close relative of the business 4. a variety of auditor linked data 5. definite information regarding forth writing credits As stated by the PRESENTATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 101, the Audit Committee of Billabong had to gather 3 times per annum. Details of these Directors' attendance at Committee meetings are set out in the Directors' Report on page 19.The main functions of the Committee are to: 1. ensure the integrity and reliability of the Company's financial statements and all other financial information published by the Company or released to the market; 2. assess the degree and consequences of outside and consistence audits; 3. ensure the trustworthiness and unwavering quality of the Company's financial statements and all other financial data distributed by the Company or discharged to the business; 4. assess the effectiveness of the systems of internal control and risk management; 5. assess agreeability with appropriate legitimate and administrative necessities. 6. assess the adequacy of the frameworks of interior control and danger administration; 7. review the arrangement, compensation, capabilities, autonomy and execution of the outside auditors and the respectability of the audit handle overall; and 8. Monitor and survey the way of non-audit administrations of outside auditors and related expenses and guarantee it doesn't antagonistically affect on auditor autonomy. 9. The Audit Committee has power, inside the extent of its obligations, to look for any data it requires as of any worker or outside party. References Amendment to International Accounting Standard IAS19 Employee Benefits. Actuarial Gains and Losses, Group Plans and Disclosures (December 2004, IASB). Ball R. (2006). Bradshaw, M., et al (2010). Response to the SEC's Proposed Rule- Roadmap for the Potential Use of Financial Statements Prepared in Accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) by U.S. Issuers. Accounting Horizons(24)1 Directors committee at Billabong retreived from on 24th Jan2015. Financial Accounting Standards Board, Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts No. 2, par. 32. International Accounting Standards Board (2007): International Financial Reporting Standards 2007 (including International Accounting Standards (IAS(tm)) and Interpretations as at 1 January 2007), Library Briefing. Library of the European Parliament. Retrieved 24th Jan2015.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Real Uses Verses Science Fiction Depictions an Example of the Topic Literature Essays by

Real Uses Verses Science Fiction Depictions Science fiction films are the type whereby, scientific discoveries have been made or imagined. These types of films mostly deal with space, planets, and existence of life in other planets. Science fiction as a film genre uses speculative, science-based depictions of the imaginary world e.g. aliens, time travel and extraterrestrial life forms accompanied by technology like loots, futuristic space-crafts, and other technological forms. These films have been used to provide more social commentary on either politics or the social world and to explain philosophical issues like human conditions. Need essay sample on "Real Uses Verses Science Fiction Depictions" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Science fiction films are often speculative in their nature based on science and technology and have always been considered false or stage managed. Such films include elements of belief that knowledge of God and of real truth can be found through prayer and meditation rather than through the senses reason, occurs or even magic or the supernatural. Such films have been assumed to challenge Gods power or religion. However, much as these films are criticized, they are also very creative and fun, and out of this world due to the technological enhancements. These fictitious films have always earned wards due to their creativity e.g. in Men in Black, Barry Sonnenfeld received in 1998 Saturn science fiction winner award, in 1998, Golden Globe-musical nominee in 1998 it was the Hugo-Video Nominee, in 1998 MTV-movie nominee the film starred Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith and basically the movie looks into earth-dwelling extraterrestrials. College Students Usually Tell EssayLab writers: I'm don't want to write my essay. Because I don't have the time Writing Essay Papers Is Easier With Us Buy College Papers Write My Essay For Me Cheap Pay For An Essay Cheap Reliable Essay Writing Service Science fiction emphasizes dramatic action based on special effects which should not be fully believed to be real. And they always try to explain a lot of things from the scientific world point of view, some of which are true. For example about the existence of UFOs, some scientists have argued and tried to convince the world in general about their existence such films are inspiring, e.g. nowadays human beings can be substituted by robots e.g. ATMs instead of over the counter withdrawals or even things like phones (smartphones e.g. blackberry, I-phones) which offer advanced capabilities beyond typical mobile phones. Science Fiction can be used in a good way for example in the recently concluded Beijing Olympics. SF works usually present explanations; they comment or use religious themes to explain a wider message. The use of religious themes in the SF category varies from simple religious claims as backward or unscientific, to creative explanations and new ideas into religious experience and beliefs so as to acquire new perspectives to the human condition for example supernatural beings like aliens, prophets as time travelers, future predictions visions or metaphysical gained through technological means. The genre of science fiction in line with the religious thematic schemes can be highlighted as an open system that can rearrange (usually in a postmodern sense) traditionally kept religious works for example, the relations with the closed and scarce nature of the creation story as brought out in Genesis as opposed to the open and expansive nature for example in a film like The Matrix. (Seed, D. 2005 139) As a source of explanation, SF hardly takes religion simply does not accept or reject re ligion. When religious themes are brought forth, they tend to be looked into very deeply. Readers, viewers or listeners are invited to step outside the conventional understanding of the matter and are made to consider wider changes that are often used to everyday human experience. Since this genre of SF often looks at humanitys perception of itself in the issue of great technological and social change, most SF matters grapple with questions of either spiritual or religious nature. Consequently, the importance of religious themes in SF cannot be assumed. (Maslin J. 2007) However, some people have been made to believe in what they watch from science fiction films e.g. there are debates which try to convince people about the existence of UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects). Science fiction films have also led to a test of the spiritual welfare since rumors are flying around about the end of the world. When it comes to science fiction and religion, the existence of Jesus Christ as the son of God has been challenged by science fiction or the scientific world e.g. the Da Vinci Code which brought a lot of controversy between the religious and the scientific world. According to this scientific film its said that Jesus isnt the Divine son of God but instead, Hes a prophet of God, Jesus had a wife, who it is said to be Mary Magdalene and that by the time Jesus was going to be crucified, she was pregnant; further the film claims that her (Mary Magdalene) being a prostitute is a lie/slander created by the church to cover up for the relationship she had with Jesus, among other things. The Catholic Church and European art especially felt that this fiction film was a direct attack against them and dismissed the movie as rank nonsense, bogus and based on the notorious hoax (Maslin, J. 2007) Science fiction has also tied to explain more on the Apocalypse which according to the book of Revelations in the Bible, John the Apostle he refers to the "unveiling" or "revelation" of Jesus Christ as Messiah, A term which has been used commonly to refer to the end of times. But it is more precise to define the term "end of the world", as we see in the King James Version of the, as the "end of the age". A Greek word translated as "eon" or "age. World". The dead in the book of Job is seen and in some of the Psalms as being in Sheol, and are awaiting the final judgment on the judgment day. The wicked will then be sent to eternal damnation or torment in the fires of hell or Gehinnom, or in Revelation the Lake of Fire. (Brown L. M 2007 110) Further, SF also tries to expound on the New Testament written by Paul the Apostle and expand on the theme of the judgment of those who are wicked, and the glorification of those who became children of Christ or Messiah. Paul expounds in his letters to the Thessalonians and the Corinthians further on the reward or destiny of those who are righteous. And he speaks of the resurrection of the dead and rapture of those who are in Christ or the Messiah. This combined apocalyptic event was said to come at the end of this age and before the coming Millennium or year 2000 and was brought out in the movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger End of Days in 1999. However, when it comes to real films, theres also a lot of criticism since everything is done is not fake/acted e.g. in pornographic or romantic films things done are real. Much as some claim to be educational, some audiences tend to abuse that power and instead promote immorality basing on what they see, read or watch from what they watch in such films because most of these films are not censored. For example, a reality show like Temptation Island Temptation Island was one of the reality shows from the U.S. reality television program and was broadcast on Fox. The show featured several couples who agreed to live with a group of the opposite sex singles, the main idea of the show was said to test the strength of the relationships of the married couples. Some people think the title "reality television" is an inappropriate description for several styles of the program included in the genre. In shows like as Survivor and Big Brother which are competition-based programs, or shows like The Real World which is the special living environment, while those who produce them design the style of the show by controlling the activities in the environment, thus creating a completely fabricated thing in which the competition plays out. The participants are selected by the producers specifically and use and design the scenarios carefully in situations like events, challenges, and settings to support particular behaviors or conflicts. The creator of Survivor show, Mark Burnett, and other reality shows, avoids the word "reality" to explain his shows; by calling it unscripted drama. Some reality shows have received global success since according to some analysts, reality shows are an important political phenomenon. Whereas in some authoritarian countries, voting represents for the reality shows for the first time has made citizens vote in free and fair wide-scale elections something which they have never done. In addition, the fairness of the arrangement or settings on some reality shows present situations that are often prohibited since they are taboo in certain orthodox cultures, for example, the pan-Arab like Lebanon whose version of Star Academy, a reality show that has contestants living together the contestants are both male and female. Made a journalist called Matt Labash, to write and noted both of these issues, and gave credit to the reality show and praised it. After the finale of the 2005 season of Super Girl In China, whose version in other countries is Idols attracted an 8 million text message votes in total and audience of around 400 million people , However the Chinese government was quick in criticizing the show, by claiming it was democratic in nature and that it had excessive vulgarity, or worldliness and by 2006 the show was banned in the country. Micklethwait J. 2005 Works Cited. Seed D. A Companion to Science Fiction. Blackwell Publication, 2005. Brown L. M. Packaging Girlhood Rescuing Our Daughters from Marketers' Schemes Macmillan Publication, 2007 Maslin J. New York Times Science Fiction Challenged Feb 16, 2007. Micklethwait J. The Economist, Idol. September 2005.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Concept of Design Icons

The Concept of Design Icons Abstract The concept of design has evolved along the same lines as human civilization. Perhaps this is the paramount aspect that has contributed to the evolution of design both as utilitarian and functional concept. Equally, the very dynamics of design is thus correlated to environment this is testified by the diverse artistic designs that have been created imitating biological concepts.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Concept of Design Icons specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Hence, the emergence of modernism makes the concept of design more simplified and more functional. By attempting to examine the evolution of designs it becomes apparent that design icons are a product of human creation. The plethora of designs as well as architectural values is thus produced. The ancient artifacts demonstrate that styles, designs as well as decorative motifs forms a crucial part of design evolution. Design icons Design icons are in essence representation of style, fashion or objects, imperative not only for aesthetic objectives but as a component of visual identity. This includes utilitarian objectives as well for they act as shorthand tool of sending the meaning or identity to the users. The manner the design icons have evolved captures countless analogies concerning the evolution of diverse organisms as well as human generation of artifacts, in particular buildings. The way designs have over the time developed provides a priceless insight into the evolution of design icons. These developments are profoundly apparent in diverse social aspects especially in architectural including design concepts. Exploring the dynamics of human production in regard to artifacts it would be essential to argue that design icons have evolved from a biological perspective (Wohl 1999). From the ancients times designers have demonstrated that they looked for inspiration from natural features. This has resulted in the creatio n of design icons generated as replica of diverse natural forms either be it a plant or an animal. This illustrates why the pre-modernist designers sought to create features that were almost analogous with the aspects of growth as well as evolution of diverse designs. In essence, the design icons have evolved from the biological perspective. However, in scope of presentation the common approach relied on static emphasis on finished icons which illuminated the completed designs. Therefore, with the years diverse methods were developed in order to establish refined design icons.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Though, there were diverse approaches of enhancing the scope of design icons, their evolution touches on such aspects as religious figures, nature and ethnic aspects (Kumar, et al 2004). The diverse designs witnessed all over the world testify to this. Therefore, fr om religious perspective to ethnic approach design icons evolved gradually presenting insight into the community’s innate relationship with the nature. Despite the existing theoretical frameworks existing today, the cultural and technological aspects have continued to impact on designs. Therefore, the manner designs have continued to change can be attributed to historical evolution of designs. While in academic disciplines the evolution of designs is correlated to economic and technological history. Hence, the scope of architecture provides a profound explanation concerning the evolution of design icons. Exploring the typical aspects apparent in the existing assumptions on design the essential elements pertaining to design evolution lays its significance to the society. As is today the design icons have evolved due to the innate aspects of social changes in taste, focus as well as ethnic and environmental influences. Consider that such aspects as cultural influences which inc lude economic and ethnic influences have played a considerable role in reshaping the design models. From environmental perspective researchers have established design icons to be key features that have contributed to the growth of architecture. Therefore, the manner the aspects of design icons have developed illuminates the development of diverse artifacts that defines our tastes and social preferences in both clothing and architecture. It is thus imperative to argue that the current theoretical premises in regard to development of designs are rooted in the ancient aspects of design. Hence, from the scope of aesthetic, moral and cultural context the evolution of design added value to the society. Eventually, such aspects go beyond scientific research in understanding how the ancient designers embraced and propagated designs. Hence, the growth of architectural design has witnessed the development and evolution of design concepts. By evaluating the fundamental questions regarding desi gn concepts we find that the evolution of design icons was fundamental to the growth of diverse design concepts. Though it has taken a considerable period to establish the genesis of design icons but exploring the modern aspects of designs we find the analogy steps back during the ancient period.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Concept of Design Icons specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Under the scope of empirical analysis as well as theoretical investigations the scope of design icons is shown to have been rooted in the ancient traditions. These traditions rotated around the scope of architecture, cultural identity as well as religious context. Therefore, designs or design icons being objects of human creation illustrated the manner the design evolution withstood the times and established itself as core aspect of human civilization. From the scope of utilitarianism we find that designs have continued to grow with time attaining more profound meaning, more so, becoming visual aspects of identity. Hence, as archeologists have established it is through designs that diverse social artifacts are identified. Design icons can be said to have evolved due to diverse social or cultural assimilation with the nature resulting in the scope of human imitating the diverse forms of design presented by the environment. Therefore, from a biological standpoint the creation of artifacts and the presentation of architectural designs explain the innate evolution of designs. Through architecture one can easily identify a particular mood concerning a specific historical period. Through the integration of architecture with the development of design we are in a position to understand the way designs evolved. This is due to the fact that from social to ethnic viewpoint architectures are more involving in regard to designs presentations. The manner the design icons have continued to develop equally relates to diverse geometrical concepts within the ancient and existing geometrical designs. Therefore the critical assessment of design evolutions shows that it is from the growth of cultures that designs flourished. As a 17th century, for instance, the impacts of designs were being experienced and executed in diverse architectural tastes all over the world. Therefore, looking the development of designs from the social context, biological considerations must be also be given a greater consideration. This is due to the fact that design icons reflected the manner designs were presented and employed to communicate. Hence the dynamics of design wholeness, integration, coherence, and correlation became the epitome of design development (Goldthwaite 2000). More so, with the time they evolved to be the principal tools of expressing the mood and the relationship relating to design icons with the environment.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As pundits and philosophers of ancient Greece established natural features provides the unique models of harmonious balance as well as proportion in regard to development of designs. Therefore, this testifies to the fact that all aspects of design evolution touches on the beauty offered by the intricate environment. Hence, the design icons were established on the same platform of providing aesthetic beauty and identity. Therefore, the production of designs demonstrates that the work of art cannot be separated from the concepts of aesthetics which governs the production of designs. This demonstrates the growth and evolution of design or design icons rests on the fact that works of art as well as living organisms are in essence schemate,unique in their own way, which man as well as the nature profoundly generates by qualifying diverse elements. Hence, this observation applies to the evolution of design which acquires definite shape, structures with the development of separate identiti es with established structural symmetry (Wilk 2006). Therefore, the above observation illustrate that the evolution of design icons was fuelled by the aspects of visual appearance as well as functional concepts. And both elements have evolved to be the base on which design wholeness is created becoming the source of the beauty as is seen in the production of design icons. Basically, this approach is well illustrated by the manner American architects have been doing in the course of 19th century. In their works it is evident that the evolution of design icons is as complex as is its organic and functional forms. Therefore, concerning the elements of designs, it’s apposite to argue that design icons evolved from static balance which is a product of generating something from the available materials. And this eventually established the profound context of designs. Modernist examples The dynamics of modernism reflects the modern aspect which strongly deviates from the traditional liberalism. Looking at the scope and the development of designs it would be instrumental to equally examine the aspects of modernism. The objective of such an approach is to understand the ancient and the modern flight of designs. This can be related to the fact that unlike in the previous periods modernism aspects came to establish design icons which have elements of simplification as their core foundation. This is well illustrated in the architectural designs which have moved away from designs which were popular during the classicism, gothic and romanticism period. It should be noted that some of the predominant designs iconic in nature were preceded by non-technological designs. However, today, the modernist designs are almost everywhere this can be testified by such iconic designs as the Salk institute complex which was designed by Louis Kahn (Thuku 2000). The manner this piece is done reflects the broad aspects which have evolved over the time. Hence, design icons have remained etched on the concepts of retaining the historicism while embracing the concepts of modernism. Therefore, the modernist example illustrates that simplicity and functional are the core elements of modern design icons. However, one of the key elements shared by the ancient aspects of design with the modernism scopes concerns the fact that both accepts that form and function are tied together. However, examining the instrumental dynamics of modernism simplicity as well as the clarity of form is given a greater weight. And this facilitates the elimination of unnecessary details. Exploring the concepts of designs leading to the modernism approaches it would be essential to realize that the old designs correlates in one way or the other with the modernist approaches. This is well reinforced by the manner the modernists create their designs though simple but employing the same principals as was employed during the gothic or romanticism period. For instance, the crystal palace though ancie nt overshadows the modern concepts of modernism theories. Therefore, the evolution of designs has taken a considerable duration to be where it is today. Despite the seamless changes the profound and iconic changes are all linked to functionality. Though the scope of modernism in evolution of designs can be defined as a revolt against the traditionalism realms of reality, the ancient approaches are equally incorporated into the modern designs. Hence what compels the modern design to be iconic is the manner they have been produced using the incorporation, as well as recapitulation of previous aspects of design into the emerging new world (Findlen 1998). The design discourse that has come to shape their iconic status regards the social changes which have been as a result of political and economic changes. Also it ought to be noted that despite the emergence of computer aided designs the old concepts as well as the modernist concepts are all linked. Take for instance, the emblematic des ign of world trade centre have a central design concept that can be said to be guided by the gothic or classism concepts. Therefore, in regard to the manner designs have evolved the diverse discourses can be allied to architects as well as design theorists interests. Looking at the aspects of applied arts concerning the past both the old and modern aspects of designs are connected by the desire to maintain design conservatism. The analogy of design history offers considerable insight into the manner diverse instruments influenced the development and evolution of design to the modern functional forms. From utilitarian scope the question of evolution is well explored where desire icons are examined from both functional and decorative perspective. Diverse elements concerning the evolution of design icons as is testified by such architectural pieces as Seagram Building in New York reflects the evolution of design icons. Hence such a design remains as iconic feature due to the manner the architectures as well as the designers modeled it on open-plan perspective. Therefore, it can be assumed that discourse that has come to shape their iconic status is founded on such assumption as artificial evolution which includes aspects of decoration (Childs 2000). That is why diverse architectural and design theorist asserts that designs are shaped by common evolutionary progressions. Therefore, considering the given examples of modernist designs it is imperative to point that they attained their iconic status due to the simple and natural prominence of the designers. In that respect, exploring the dynamics of design we are allowed to understand that the iconic status of these given designs are predominant in nature. These attributes are due to the structural, motif as well as natural forms they tend to embrace. Hence, considering designs do undergo continuous seamless abstractions and formalizations hence their origin is not obvious. Also another considerable feature giving th e mentioned designs regards the concepts tied to structural as well as the material used. Therefore, the decorative attributes offers the design structures artistic attributes. Conclusion The aesthetic beauty of designs plays a considerable role in our lives. However when we look at the concepts of design in regard to modernism we find elements of rejection which tend to sideline the aspects of former designing concepts. Despite that, it would be instrumental to assert that each period provides critical insights into the aesthetics of designing which is a trend that have continued to change (Berman 1988). Therefore, the modernist approach which ahs evolved from such periods as romanticism, classism and gothic is today influenced by technological advancements. Today the aspects of modernism designs take the central role in our social lives which are more and more are linked to diverse natural aspects. Therefore, in regard to such approach we can conclude that both old and new aspects of design have evolved as a consequence of our environment. Thus, though the design icons have evolved but the critical aspect it is equally based on what we see or relate with the natural phenomenon. Annotated bibliographies Berman, Marshall. (1988)The Experience of Modernity. London, Penguin. The aspects of modernity are examined from a critical point of view. The author looks at the development of designs in regard to the evolution of design aesthetics. Therefore, examining the elements of nature as well as the manner designs evolve the author correlates the dynamism of modernism in design to the previous patterns preceding modernity. In his opinion he captures the genesis of designs and how they have evolved. More so he delves into the various aspects related to design models and their significance. Therefore, looking through the historical lens he offers a candid insight into the scope and the nature of incorporated designs aspects which have come to be defined as modernity. C hilds, Peter (2000) Modernism.NY, Routledge. The impacts of modernism on designs cannot be under looked. Perhaps it is from such a stand the author embarked on examining the relationship and effects of modernism on designs. This is demonstrated in the manner he examines the assumptions of design evolution touching on the relationship between modernism as well as gothic periods. Using well researched and articulated observation he offers a candid insight into the genesis of designs both in functionality and utilitarianism context to the realm of modernism. Findlen, Paula. (1998)Possessing the Past: the Material World of the Italian  Renaissance. American History, 103, (1), pp. 83-114. The author has profoundly delved into the significance of material cultures in regard to aspects of design. Using a critical approach to decorative aspects the author explores the dynamics of modernism concepts in regard to the past structural features as etched in design icons. Equally, she touches o n diverse objects that embrace the designing features in our daily engagements. Using a plethora of sources she examines the impact of renaissance mindset on design icons. More so, her approach too touches on the impact of design on humanistic aspects which blends into the natural beauty we cherish. Therefore, the consequential balance touches on the convincing measures that design both in ancient and modern context. Goldthwaite, Richard A. (2000)The Economic and Social World of Italian  Renaissance Maiolica. Renaissance Quarterly, 42 (1), pp. 1-32. The evolution of design can be compactly explored from the stance projected by the author on this article. From the authors perspective the changes in styles defines the designs essence both in and after production. Therefore, the author looks at the core features of luxury market which operates in line with the production of artifacts. In regard to such engagement he highlights the potter’s expertise in styles and designs. Thus in analogy to potters approaches the author explores the historical analysis of design, growth and creation of design icons. Hence, with structural and material consideration he offers profound insight into the significance of design as is opposed to the modernists who had the knack to reject the old design features. Kumar, Sandeep, et al. (2004) Analyzing planning and design  discourses.London,Pion The authors have employed the critical features of design discourses in regard to models. Their argument illuminates the significance of having analytical approach in regard to designs. This they assert in instrumental in developing apposite methods of evaluating the stability of evolving designs. Therefore, according to their analysis design discourses is paramount in identifying diverse discrepancies. Equally, they have noted that designs do evolve within definite platforms which must be established effectively. Looking at the concepts of design from the scope of art, film, style ar chitecture the authors touches on the significance of design and their prominence. Thuku, Daniel. (2000).Designing the world.Capetown, Blackman Book. The author explores the aesthetics of designs, investigating the structural motifs as well as the patterns which define ancient and the modern design models. In essence, the author takes us through the history of design models which have shaped the world. In his approach the author notes designs provides essential concepts which are fundamental ways. Wilk, Christopher. (2006) What was modernism. London, V A Publications. From a profound perspective the author tackles the broad aspects of modernism in the ever changing world of design. By exploring the diverse aspects of design he offers a decisive insight into growth of modernism. This he does by explaining the manner design models have acquired prominence and influenced the society. The author tackles the question of what is modernism by exploring the previous design aspects which wer e popular during the renaissance. Looking at the effect of art he touches on the foundational concepts of art which reflects natural scope of designs. Wohl, Hellmut. (1999) A Reconsideration of Style. Cambridge, Cambridge  University. Through a critical culture analysis the author delves into the world of renaissance art. Using the contextual understanding of cultural context he explores the value as well as the significance of design and style in the Italian art. From his perspective he traces the path designs undertake when evolving. From his stance we get the reflection of such aspects as artificial design evolution, the relationship between romanticism and constructivism in regard to design. More so he touches on concepts of decorative features most commonly evaluated by architectural and design theorists. References List Berman, Marshall. (1988)The Experience of Modernity. London, Penguin. Childs, Peter. (2000) Modernism.NY, Routledge. Findlen, Paula. (1998)Possessing the Pas t: the Material World of the Italian Renaissance. American History, 103, (1), pp. 83-114. Goldthwaite, Richard A. (2000)The Economic and Social World of Italian Renaissance Maiolica. Renaissance Quarterly, 42 (1), pp. 1-32. Kumar, Sandeep, et al. (2004) Analyzing planning and design discourses.London, Pion Thuku, Daniel. (2000).Designing the world.Capetown, Blackman Book. Wilk, Christopher. (2006) What was modernism. London, V A Publications. Wohl, Hellmut. (1999) A Reconsideration of Style. Cambridge, Cambridge University.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Spiritual Needs Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Spiritual Needs - Research Paper Example He is a Protestant and has attended services with wife and children, but his ailment prevents regular churchgoing. He is aware of religious differences but there is one God for all whom we can pray to. He believes in the power of prayer, although he is not pious or prayerful. At the moment he finds his family as a source of calmness and strength. Of course, God is unseen and in most times not felt. Visit from a Protestant chaplain will be acceptable. The tool worked well, allowing free flow of information and questions. Care was taken to make the interview friendly and casual, and information gathered can serve appropriate spiritual intervention during treatment. As a recommendation, the instrument should preferably be administered by a nurse, opening way for visits by a minister of choice. We understand JCAS wants the instrument administered by chaplains, but religious affiliation can create hindrance in case a patient, in our study a Protestant, is interviewed by a Catholic chaplai n.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Problem-Solving Scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Problem-Solving Scenario - Essay Example At the onset, problems are often manifested in the form of a confounding issue concerning a particular person or situation. These pressing challenges could be confronted in one’s domain: either at home, in the academic setting or in the workplace. In this regard, the aim of the current essay is to proffer pertinent issues exemplified as problems within one’s work setting; to identify the alternative courses of action; to evaluate these options by providing pros and cons; and to finally recommend the best possible solution. Problem Definition Who: The persons affected by the problem include me and my co-workers and expand to management and other stakeholders who we regularly interact with in the organizational setting. What: There are symptoms that emerge such as poor attitudes in the workplace (always complaining); no dedication (only there for a paycheck); co-workers looking at other workers’ performance but fails to focus on one’s job; high turnover; low productivity and therefore contributes to below average financial returns. When: The problem actually persisted since higher management fails to design and implement a motivational and performance evaluation program and that would recognize and reward exemplary performance and apply sanctions for employees who consistent perform below par. There is also failure on the part of management to present a Code of Discipline for the employees that contain sanctions for violating company policies and a set of benefits and rewards for exemplary performance. Where: As indicated, this problem exists in one’s work setting. As recognized, the symptoms such as high turnover, low productivity, low performance and no commitment or concern are manifestations of a greater problem. The root cause for all of these is the failure of management to design and implement motivation and performance evaluation programs that would gauge the performance of all personnel and motivate all workers to perfo rm according to what the organization needs to achieve. In this regard, this is a motivational problem and leadership problem. Alternative Courses of Action 1. Status Quo: This course of action simply ignores the problem. Nothing is proposed to be done. Nobody stands up to recognize the problem and allows the employees to perform below par. The advantage of this option is that there would not be any disruption in the present set-up; as no proposal for change is suggested. On the other hand, the disadvantage of this option is that continued high turnover would result in lower productivity and the continued lack of motivation would cause lower morale. The result would be lower financial returns and possibly financial losses, in the long run. 2. Get out of the Organization by Resigning: This course of action would enable one to relieve oneself from the burden of seeing and experiencing unproductive colleagues who are indifferent; always complaining and exudes low morale. The advantage of this option is that one could possibly find employment in other organizations with more positive working environment with high morale and with an effective motivational system in place. Likewise, the disadvantage of this option is that one could not find an immediate replacement of one’s employment and could end up unemployed and unproductive. Further, this option would not solve the problem in the organization. 3. Send a Formal Advice to Management: This course of action aims to make the management team aware of the low morale and low performance due to the lack of motivation exemplified through ineffective performance evaluation, a system of rewards and punishments, and the application

Monday, November 18, 2019

International Accounting (Comparison) Research Paper

International Accounting (Comparison) - Research Paper Example The accounting standards form the principles for the preparation and presentation of financial statements created by the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC). The research paper highlights the major areas of similarities and differences between Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The objective of this research paper is to find out those particular differences that are believed to be mostly encountered during practice. The name itself suggests that the contents of the theory will describe certain principles that are needed to be followed in accounting but despite this GAAP acts as a very important facilitator for investors and companies. GAAP is basically a set of procedures and standards that companies follow in order to present their financial data. Companies follow those standards as these provide them a precise mode of representation of their financial figures which is good for the analysts as it becomes hard for the company to trick them by manipulating their figures. 1 IFRS has gained popularity in recent times and has been well accepted by a huge number of countries in the world. Previously, the multinational companies had to prepare separate financial statements for each country where they had their areas of operations but IFRS has made the task easier. In IFRS the guidelines and standards are set by International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) that companies and organizations can follow when compiling financial statements. It was previously called the International Accounting Standards (IAS). IFRS provides guidance to prepare financial statements.2 In order to enumerate the advantages of any accounting principle, it is important to analyze the components of it at the outset. The main components of GAAP are: Inventory costs, Debt, Stockholder’s equity, short term

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Similarities And Differences Between Tourism And Event Management Tourism Essay

Similarities And Differences Between Tourism And Event Management Tourism Essay 1 Introduction Development of tourism industry must adapt to the tourism products of tourism demand, development of event tourism also needs to adapt to mass tourism products of tourism demand, while the core of tourism products is tourism attraction. Tourist attraction is a natural tourist attraction, cultural object, and the fundamental property and function is attractive to tourists and stimulates peoples travel motivations (Margaret Deery;Â  Leo Jago; Liz Fredline, 2004). The most basic function OF tourist attraction is to attract tourists to the destination. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to look for the similarities and differences between tourism management and event management, and the event tourism will be the focus to link the both. 2 Definitions Tourism management is relying on creative thinking, integrating tourism resources to achieve the optimal fit of resources, environment, transport and market, and finally to achieve the creative process of objectives of tourism development (Witt, S. F., Moutinho, L., 1996). Event management is the management activity to suit all levels and types of political and economic activities, sports events, the main tourism, conferences and exhibitions, entertainment, carnival and others based on the explosive growth of government and non-government agencies (Boris Gruschke, 1998). It is not only different from government administration, but also different from ordinary commercial enterprise management across organizations. Event tourism refers to the form of taking one-time or regular festivals held as the core attraction for destination marketing, or enhancing the special tourism activities (David Getz, 2008). Holiday celebrations often accumulated a rich local cultural content, and very strong participation, entertainment, therefore, the planners of event activities often try to create an atmosphere of festival or celebration in order to attract wider attention, more tourists, and even create a recycling of tradition. 3 Similarities between tourism management and event management In my opinion, the most important similarity between tourism management and event management is event tourism, which is reflected both in tourism and event activities. Tourism Management Event Management Event Tourism Management Figure 1 Similarity between tourism management and event management Compared with the general types of tourism activities, event tourism has its own distinct characteristics: One is the distinctive endemic characteristic. Production of a tourism event will often rely on local characteristics and cultural customs to attract local source (Julie E Otto and J. R. Brent Ritchie, 1996). Arising from the festival with a distinctive local features travel, it is easy to win the favor of the depth of the root causes of tourists. Second is the activity concentration. Event tourism activities are concentrated in a particular period of time, usually a fixed time period, and activity is very compact arrangement, which makes the tourists tourism activities and tourism experience with significant concentration of features. If the event activities are charming, tourists generally stay longer. Third is the widespread influence. Large scale of event tourism activities often lead to larger concerns, to attract people from all over the world concentrated in one activity enabling collaboration, feel the local atmosphere of the event (David Getz, 1997). This will bring large and widespread impact to the regional tourism development and local economic, social and cultural development. Fourth is the comprehensiveness of effects. A major event tourism activity held brings both a direct economic benefit, but also brings indirect benefits to other aspects of stealth, will promote the development in various aspects of the host. Event tourism has these features, combined with festivals by tourists with high levels of consumption, repeatability, a longer residence time, etc., features, making event tourism as a concern of the object for the regional tourism development, increasing people attention (Robyn Stokes, 2008). Australia by virtue of holding this special festive event of Americas Cup yacht race became one of the worlds most famous tourists; China Qingdao through Beer Festival, Ocean Day spread out their unique marine culture, successfully created the image as the characteristics of the marine city. It shows the organization of festivals, especially the organization of large-scale events, often become the focus of media attention. Event tourism for the city provides a stage to show their image, any one ad, any marketing activities are difficult to match with the effectiveness. Large scale of event activities Participated in event Improved Infrastructure Community interests Increased Media coverage Increased Travel promotions Increased Capacity Visitor Satisfaction Community Satisfaction Increased Identity Increased Visiting host people Word of mouth Increased Tourism image Impression of decline over time Figure 2 The link between event and tourism 4 Differences between tourism management and event management Using system theory, with project management theory, it can understand the event tourism from four levels (John Swarbrooke, 1999): the basic principles and concepts (Tourism event is a project, project management should be implemented); system development cycle (tourism event development life cycle); systems and procedures (using specific management techniques and procedures); organizational behavior (set up reasonable organizational structure and effective encouraging project members). Table 1 Comparative analysis of tourism event features and project definition Definition of project Characteristics of tourism event 1, including a single, definable goal or end product or result. Tourism event is non-routine, is the special event occurring within a certain period. It is an identifiable task, has a certain economic goals, social goals. Major tourism festival (Mega-event) on tourism has huge economic and social impact. Large-scale festival events can be regarded as sub-sub tasks. 2, unique. Project is the activity with only one type, and can never be completely repeated. Tourism event is usually carefully planned. This nature makes tourism events different from the spontaneous events and happenings unique. It is impossible to repeat, if failed, could not recover. 3, the temporary activities. Life-cycle, once the goal to achieve, the project has ceased to exist. Tourism event has a certain deadline. While some festivals held regularly, but the result of the project objectives, stakeholders and the Environment (ie project system) will change, so this new festival should be regarded as new projects. 4, requires the use of various professional and organizational skills and ability. Tasks and skills required also vary with the project. The process of the operation of tourism event is across a number of management functions units: government, business, public and many industries. Tourism events success is inseparable from their extensive support and collaboration. 5, may be unfamiliar. Very uncertain risk factors. The complexity of the process organization operation of tourism event, integrated not only manifested in not only the characteristics of tourism products in general, it also has its own characteristics and attributes. 6, there is some risk. The failure of the project may pose a threat to the organization or its goals. Tourism event has the risk for every stage, failure of tourism festival activities could adversely affect tourism destination in fairly long time. 7, is to achieve the goal of a process to work. A project to go through several different stages; stages of conversion tasks, manpower, organization and resources will change with it. Tourism event during the operation and management may still happen. There may be individual specific projects that are not fully defined in terms of projects; most projects have in front of three or four features. Comparative analysis from the table, tourism event at least meets the before six items. It can be concluded: Tourism event is a project, project management theory is applied to the tourism event products. Tourism event is present the life cycle. The life cycle of tourism events is it similar to the dynamic process of the natural life cycle of birth, growth, maturity, decline and death, which includes concept, planning, implementation and operation of four stages (I McDonnell, J Allen, W Otoole, 1999). Purpose of understanding the life cycle issues travel section is very important to manager of the project: on the one hand, tourism event highlights the project life cycle in project management plan, review and analysis, implementation process, the management of each process systems analysis is the basis for the next phase of the operation, which requires management system, a comprehensive understanding of project life cycle tourism festival, and at different times to take corresponding measures; on the other hand, life cycle process is for each project objectives, which requires the project manager should be on the festivals understanding of the project life cycle and the project aims t o combine effective management by objectives (David Getz, 1997). Therefore, the managers to respond flexibly to the changing environment need to have a life cycle management culture, in order to ensure the smooth operation of the events. 5 Conclusion As a project, the tourism event should be analyzed with a systematic approach. Management of tourism event, in the face of complex elements in the events project system, managers must first carry out systematic analysis of each element. Tourism event project system is an open system, project managers must from the system level, organizational level and technical level to evaluate the system, senior managers will need more from the system level to analyze the system. To understand the main system of property projects of tourism events, particularly in the development of tourism event is the important status in the major tourism events and huge tasks. Event tourism as the bridge to link tourism and event activities, in the tourism development assumes more and more important functions and role. Although it shows the similarities and differences between tourism management and event management, for the issues of the operation idea of tourism event, development strategy and effects, we should pay more concerns. Word count: 1,529

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Authenticity of The Great Santini :: essays research papers

Comparison Between Movie and History   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After watching the movie from Hollywood and reading the actual thoughts of Pat Conroy of whom the story is based on, there is significant evidence supporting the basis that â€Å"The Great Santini† was made on and Hollywood very accurately filmed â€Å"The Great Santini†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It isn’t to say that all military veterans were abusive and hard on their families. However, men in the military return from the service and seem to take a great sense of pride in their families and America. To this day some people are the same way as Bull Meechum. There are many similarities between Bull Meechum and Donald Conroy. For instance, they both lived life in the fast lane and to its full extent. In the movie, Bull Meechum mentions how fast and free it feels to fly. Donald Conroy also felt the same way as he flew over the American troops and proceeded to bomb the Koreans. They were both alike in the aspect that they lived for an adrenaline rush. Meechum and Conroy both loved life and lived it to its greatest.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The two men also were excellent soldiers. Donald Conroy was said to at one time, been the most decorated man in the military. Bull Meechum moved his family to South Carolina in order to take a position in training other pilots. Although neither were great family men, both soldiers had been trained in the art of killing other people as quickly and as many as they could.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another similarity that Donald Conroy had with Bull Meechum was the way he pushed his family to be better and tougher. In his eulogy, it states that if Donald Conroy would have seen the tears that his family cried at his death, he would have yelled at them and been embarrassed of the fact that his boys were behaving like girls. They both wanted the best for their family.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since the movie is based on a true story, there aren’t very many parts that happen in the movie that never happened. The movie is extremely accurate in its portrayal of the military emotionally hardened father.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Cold War in the years 1945-1953 Essay

How far do you agree with the view that superpower misjudgements account for the development of the Cold War in the years 1945-1948? It is reasonable to suggest that it was indeed superpower misjudgements that led to developments in the Cold War in the the years 1945-1948, as it is suggested in both source 7 and source 8, however other factors may be more prominent than the misjudgements of the superpowers, such as the legacy left by World War 2, as it is suggested in source 9. The suggestion of superpower misjudgements being responsible for the developments of the Cold War between the years 1945-1948 is highlighted in source 7 – an extract from The Origins of the Cold War, published in 2008 – has a revisionist overview, where it is suggested that American misjudgements were to blame for the Cold War developments â€Å"American decision-makers misread Soviet security interests†¦ this, in turn, led the Soviets to see US policy as aggressive† from my own knowl edge i know that at this time Soviet policy was focused at ensuring national security, by establishing a ‘buffer’ zone, as the Soviet Union had in fact been invaded twice before through countries close to it, America may have misjudged this as expansionism and a breach of conditions that had been set at the Yalta conference, the source further suggests that the Soviet Union had misjudged US policies as â€Å"aggressive capitalist expansionism† possibly in reference to the Marshall Plan, and the Soviets may have seen this as America’s way of holding influence throughout Europe. Source 8 – an extract from Inside the Kremlin’s Cold War: From Stalin to Krushchev, published in 1996 – agrees with Source 7 on the fact that misjudgements were responsible for the Cold War developments, however the source describes the Soviet Union, not the USA for being solely responsible, the source states that Stalin’s road to the Cold War was â€Å"strewn with miscalculations† and that in response to the Marshall Plan, Stalin â€Å"began to consolidate a Soviet security zone in Eastern Europe by ruthless police methods and intensive Communist propaganda† which infers that Stalin misinterpreted the Marshall Plan, and responded in such a way that would provoke the USA, this later led to the Berlin Blockade, the source also states that â€Å"Stalin subjected†¦ the rest of the world to a bloody and protracted war that contained the real danger of a global conflict† this further consolidates the idea that misjudgements led to Cold War developments.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Radioisotopes essays

Radioisotopes essays This research paper was written to discuss the different uses of radioisotopes that have been discovered so far hopefully more uses will be found in the future. RADIOACTIVITY is a special attribute recognized more by its outward effect rather than its cause. That effect is the spontaneous and irrepressible emission of radiation. Inside an atom is made up of electrons orbiting around a central core called the nucleus. The nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons. Atomic nuclei with the same number of protons, but with differing numbers of neutrons, are called ISOTOPES. There are a few chemical elements in the Periodic Table with isotopes in which the arrangement of protons and neutrons is less than ideal. Because of this, these elements exhibit a degree of nuclear instability, which manifests itself as RADIOACTIVITY. Isotopes, which spontaneously emit radiation, are called RADIOISOTOPES. A radioisotope can lose energy by emitting three different types of radiation: 1. Made up of two protons and two neutrons (the same as the nucleus of a Helium atom). 2. Have a mass number of 4 and an atomic number of 2. 1. Electrons that are emitted from the nucleus of a radioisotope. 2. Have almost no mass (the same as an electron). 1. Is high-energy (short wavelength high frequency) electromagnetic radiation. In medicine radiation is painless and safe. It is also cost effective Patient has to be given a dose of radiation Can be man-made or natural Hard to dispose of In NUCLEAR MEDICINE a radioisotope is administered to a patient either to aid the diagnosis of disease or for the treatment of disease. The radioisotopes used in DIAGNOSTIC nuclear medicine are selected on the basis of their ability to provide useful clinical information while exposing the patient to only minimal radiation. For example the radioisotope should - Possess a short half-life (hours) which is commensurate with the duration of the i...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Supply Chain Strategy of Seven Eleven Japan Essays

Supply Chain Strategy of Seven Eleven Japan Essays Supply Chain Strategy of Seven Eleven Japan Essay Supply Chain Strategy of Seven Eleven Japan Essay The case study reports about the Supply Chain Strategy of Seven Eleven Japan (SEED the largest convenient store operator and franchiser In Japan. Seven Eleven Japan provides several helpful understanding about cleaving supply chain strategic fit In the convenient store industry. In this industry, responsiveness of the supply chain is the most important factor. Firstly, SEE has a set of facilities that are strategically responsive. Its facilities are decentralized in terms of both location and capacity. The report also discusses about the benefits and risks involved. Secondly, Sees transportation system is not only relatively efficient but also responsive and capable of rapid-replenishment. The system is a cross-docking transportation model with goods flow through distribution centers. Advantages as well disadvantages of the model are discussed. Thirdly, SEE invested in a powerful Information system that allows rapid and efficient communication. Point of sales data are utilized to bring about a competitive advantage and a smooth cooperation of with suppliers. Features, benefits and risks associated with the system have also been discussed. Fourthly, SEE practices an Inventory management strategy that place great Importance on freshness and choose to reduce flow time instead of holding more inventory to be responsive. Heretofore, ten report Alehouses tout ten recent moves AT s duplicate the supply chain structure in the United States. CASE BACKGROUND 1. 1 Seven Eleven Japan (SEE) SEE is the largest operator and franchiser of convenient stores in Japan. Since its establishment in November 1973, SEE has been growing quickly. By July 2007, SEE has 11,704 stores in Japan. In July 2007, 7-Eleven also became worlds largest retail chain store with more than 32,000 stores all over the world . 1. 2 Purpose This case study, by examine the supply chain strategies of SEE, aims to offer understandings about supply chain strategies in the convenient store industry. With those understandings, several insights about how to achieve strategic fit in this industry can be gained. 1. 3 Strategic Fit in the convenient store industry To achieve strategic fit in this industry, firms must understand the customer needs, demand uncertainty and supply chain capabilities. After that, firms must develop and erect their strategy to fit with the requirements from customer and the supply chain. Below are some characteristics in customer needs and supply chain requirements in this industry. Batch size: Usually small to medium Response time that customer can tolerate: Medium to short. Customers usually expect to conveniently get the item they want in short time Variety: Moderately important Service Level: Medium to high Price: Higher than large supermarkets and wholesale malls Product innovation: moderately important 2. FACILITIES Apparently, in the convenient store industry, responsiveness is a key factor of the supply chain. Moreover, SEE places much more emphasis on the freshness of the produce it sells. Therefore, SEE facilities were designed to support a high level of responsiveness. 2. 1 Location In terms of location, it is easy to notice that SEE locates its stores extremely close to the customers to be responsive. For example, 48% of Sees customers live within 500 meters from the stores, and 63% within 1000 meters. 53% of customers come by less than five minutes of walk or drive . In order to achieve that short distance from its customers, SEE had to develop a dense distribution network. Stores are managed through a system of clusters. There are around 50 to 60 stores in a cluster. Stores in a cluster are concentrated closely to each other in specific areas in a market dominance strategy. A typical Sees Store serves an area within 500 meters radius of it. As stated in its 1994 annual report, the market dominance strategy offers several benefits such as higher efficiency of the system, brand awareness or competitive strength. I Nat Is ten reason winy although Is ten strongest convenient store in Japan, it has covered only 70% of Japan prefectures. 2. Capacity Although the number of SKU that SEE keep is not high, its facilities are highly Dragon palpable. Sees stores are small facilities (average area of 1200 square feet) capable of stocking only around 3,000 stock keeping units (SKIS) while large supermarkets can store more than 100,000 Skis. However, as said above, Sees stores form a dense network of 50 to 60 stores per area. That helps boost the capacity of SEE stores many times. In other words, the small scale of one SEE store is to serve a very small area (500 meters radius), which is not more than the capacity of the store. More importantly, a massive collection of such small stores in a specific area has created a huge capacity for the network. Furthermore, the variety of product this system can process is also extended when SEE places great emphasis on freshness and continuously change its product mix. SEE replaces about half of its 3,000 SKU each year. Goods are retired as soon as sales decline. With such high capacity clusters, it can be concluded that the degree of utilization is not maximized. Low degree of utilization reduces lead-time and minimizes disruption delay. Obviously, cost of the goods is higher with low utilization, however the benefits of the market dominance strategy seems to be able to offset the cost incurred. Therefore, it can be said that SEE has implemented decentralization not only in its location and distribution but also in its capacity. The high responsiveness of SEE is also reflected through a relatively small order size from the stores and high level of customer service. The small batch size is due to the limited space available in an SEE Store. That is also a reason for the introduction of the Sods. Everyday small orders from the stores are transmitted, consolidated and delivered in full truckloads from the CDC to every store. Deliveries are made many times a day, keeping the items rest and sufficient thus offering great service level. 2. 3 CONCLUSION Sees facilities are truly responsiveness driven. What SEE is doing with its facilities configuration are match with the strategic direction that a convenient store supply chain should take. SEE facilities have been decentralized in terms of both location and capacity to be closer to the customer and offers higher responsiveness. Small batch size and continuously changing product mixed integrated in the facilities are other factors that improve responsiveness. Sees facilities have been doing a great Job to be expensive and be next to customers wherever they need it. However, it is important to notice some risks associate with those practices. For example, the strategy of decentralization and market dominance may not be efficient. Especially when the market is not so populated like it is in Japanese cities. Moreover, locating the stores too close to each other may caused certain amount of centralization. Besides, customers in this case may not buy from one store consistently but change from store to store over time. That may contribute to the inaccuracy of demand forecasting of stores. Sees transportation has been successful. It has achieved a high level of responsiveness yet an acceptable level of efficiency. 3. 1 Design of transportation network Unlike a conventional Japanese Distribution system, SEE does not allow direct store delivery in Japan but executes a Joint Delivery Program in which its products must flow through the Distribution Centers (DC). As can be seen from Figure 1 (Appendix 1), after receiving orders from the store managers and starting production to fulfill the orders, the suppliers begin to deliver the products to the designated Dos. Manufacturers and wholesalers are assigned certain areas to deliver the products. After the items have reached Dos, they will be sorted out by stores and delivered in a full truck to the stores. Another important factor that helps reduce the lead-time and number of deliveries further is the temperature-based Joint delivery system. In this system, Sees products are grouped into 4 groups of different temperature. Products that are in the same temperature group will then be handled and distributed in the same truck. The above transportation process is usually managed by third party delivery companies. SEE keeps close communication with the delivery company. Distribution schedules are also planned carefully. The number of deliveries made in a day depends on the freshness requirement of the items. For example, rice balls are delivered 3 times a day. The timing of the deliveries are communicated with the logistic party and must be followed (with 10 minutes error). The Joint delivery program has brought to SEE many benefits. Firstly, with the density of the SEE stores, direct delivery may result in inefficiency. It requires many trucks going through many routes and different trucks from different suppliers have to arrive at the stores many times. By designating a destination to consolidate the incoming items, SEE can reduce he number of deliveries per day. Moreover, with the introduction of the temperature-based system, deliveries per day are further cut down to 11 per day. Before the implementation the 2 methods of operation, the average number of deliveries to each store was 70 per day. The number of trips decreases means transportation cost and communication cost are cut down; and the system is more efficient. Secondly, the limited space of the Sees stores requires deliveries in smaller batch size. Therefore, if SEE use direct store deliveries, the cost for transporting many small batches may increase sharply yet may not be reliable. Consolidating the orders for each store solves this problem effectively. SEE can have a reliable delivery schedule with minimal number of trips. Moreover, delivering in full truckloads also improves the efficiency of the system. Besides, ordering lead-time is also reduced by a great amount. For direct store delivery, since different trucks of different suppliers for different types of items have to arrive one by one at the same store, more time is spent on Just loading, unloading, checking and communicating between them and the stores. The risk for traffic delay will also be minimized if the number of trips to tortes decreases. An important feature of the Joint delivery program is that the Dos do not hold inventory. Dos in this case are Just designated points of pick and pack to consolidate the orders of Sees Stores. Therefore, the system helps SEE reduce cost of holding inventory significantly. 3. 2 Choice of transportation mode Apart Trot ten eagles AT transportation network, Tells can also conclave responsiveness in the choice of transportation mode. Using faster and usually more expensive modes of transport is a way to improve responsiveness. Another way to be more responsive is to diversify the modes of transportation. For example, SEE has included motorcycles, ships and helicopters to diversify its transportation portfolio. Diversification helps reduce the risk of breakdowns caused by disruption in certain mode of travel. The drawback is that extra cost may incur to maintain and operate the portfolio. 3. 3 Conclusion The implementation of Dos system has streamlined the transportation of SEE sharply. It has provided cost savings through elimination of inventory holding cost. Besides, and more importantly, it makes the distribution system of SEE more responsive and flexible by utilizing faster and cheaper routing and accelerated product flow. Generally, there are still risks associated with the strategy of micro-matching supply and demand using rapid replenishment like what SEE is doing. Firstly, rapid replenishment may be expensive, thus it can hurt firms profit margin. Secondly, risks can come from the uncertainty of the traffic condition. More importantly, for rapid replenishment and delivery on demand, one disruption event can even affect the whole area. Thirdly, the threat may as well come from competition. For example, if a store is located next to a large supermarket that is efficiency driven and can offer cheaper price, then the SEE stores may lose sales. Similarly, if SEE choose to sell products of which demand is too elastic, SEE may not be able to compete. Lastly, micro-matching demand and supply can be efficient and lean, but demand can sometimes fluctuate largely and SEE may fail to predict such changes. For examples, during festivals, social events, or natural disasters SEE may not be able to react quickly because of the fluctuations in demand and the limited stock kept in the stores. As for direct store delivery (ADDS), it can still hold true in some situations. For example, ADDS can be used in the areas that do not have many stores concentrated. Moreover, for items that are bulky, heavy or expensive, ADDS might be a good choice because extra handling activities (loading, unloading, security, quality assurance ) are costly. 4. INFORMATION Information is one the most effective tools of SEE to improve its responsiveness. It connects effectively the stages of the SEE supply chain and provides valuable insights on demand and strategic operations. 4. 1 Information System An illustration of Sees information system is shown in the Appendix 2. As can be seen from the Appendix 2, the hardware configuration of SEE includes several main components. Store Computer (SC) SC is the center of the store Information System (IS). It connects to the KIDS, Electric Order System, Graphic Order Terminal and Scanner Terminal. It can track store inventory, sales, orders and analyze POS data. Integrated Services Digital Network (KIDS) KIDS is an information network that links several thousand stores. KIDS provides a 2- way and high-speed channel of communication, which has significant impacts on the process of collection and analysis of POS data as well as feedback gathering. Scanner learn CSS streamline the process of inventory management by helping store managers check orders. Graphic Order Terminal (GOT) GOT is a tool to place orders and maintain access to a detailed analysis of POS data at the same time for ordering insights. 4. 2 Information Collection The above hardware setting has to collect all the POS data. Moreover, the staffs also collect gender and estimated age of the customers. After collected, POS data are analyzed to find out useful information such as hourly sales trend for individual items, scrap trend analysis, stockpot ranking, sales trends for new product and hourly sales trend by customer profile. Such complete information system helps create much more responsiveness for the stores. For example, the analysis of hourly sales trend by items and by customer profile can help a store manager determine which type of customer buy what at what time. With the information in mind, the store manager can order differently throughout the day, or can rearrange the products on the shelves many times a day. Moreover, the ordering process is also streamlined significantly. After collected, the POS data are analyzed by the store computer and ordering insights are offered. The orders are transmitted to the suppliers within 3 hours. . 3 Push versus Pull Clearly, Sees supply chain is more like a pull system. And Sees information system purports the pull strategy effectively. For example, ordering process is streamlined so that an order, after being analyzed from the POS data, can reach the suppliers in 3 hours on average. Information travels both upward and downward quickly enough for the pull strategy. 4. 4 Coordination and information sharing Information sharing is also an important strategy that SEE relies on to be more responsive. Data about life of products or hourly sales of the new products are used to determine the product mix of a store. SEE also actively shares information with the suppliers to suggest them on product development strategies. Many of Sees manufacturers now rely on the information shared and tend to work with SEE before the launch of a new product. Suggestions about the changing taste of the customers are sometimes crucial to new product development to anticipate the changing demand. 4. 5 Forecasting Because of the huge amount of data collected and the short ordering lead-time, Sees stores forecast frequently but over very short period. Therefore, the accuracy of the forecast is improved. 4. Enabling Technologies SEE invested heavily in its IS, the goal is to streamline the operations and obtain valuable insights to be more responsive. For example, with the use of Scanner Terminals, delivery time is now sharply shortened because delivery trucks do not have to wait for store managers to check the goods. 4. 7 Conclusion SEE is a good example of firm taking advantage of modern technology to streamline their processes and become more responsive. A pull strategy is most likely responsive; however, it must be supported with information technology so that the orders can be processed in a very short period. Frequently collected and analyzed information also allows a closer forecast horizon and thus more accurate. Firms can also De more responsive Dye snarling International Walt suppliers to anticipate Ana attics customer demand more effectively. However, there are risks involved in this strategy. Firstly, a pull system might not be able to deal with great fluctuation in demand for example, during social events, festivals or natural disaster. Secondly, usually the investment in IS is not low and without strong capital position and profitable prospect, firms may not benefits enough from this investment.