Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Problem-Solving Scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Problem-Solving Scenario - Essay Example At the onset, problems are often manifested in the form of a confounding issue concerning a particular person or situation. These pressing challenges could be confronted in one’s domain: either at home, in the academic setting or in the workplace. In this regard, the aim of the current essay is to proffer pertinent issues exemplified as problems within one’s work setting; to identify the alternative courses of action; to evaluate these options by providing pros and cons; and to finally recommend the best possible solution. Problem Definition Who: The persons affected by the problem include me and my co-workers and expand to management and other stakeholders who we regularly interact with in the organizational setting. What: There are symptoms that emerge such as poor attitudes in the workplace (always complaining); no dedication (only there for a paycheck); co-workers looking at other workers’ performance but fails to focus on one’s job; high turnover; low productivity and therefore contributes to below average financial returns. When: The problem actually persisted since higher management fails to design and implement a motivational and performance evaluation program and that would recognize and reward exemplary performance and apply sanctions for employees who consistent perform below par. There is also failure on the part of management to present a Code of Discipline for the employees that contain sanctions for violating company policies and a set of benefits and rewards for exemplary performance. Where: As indicated, this problem exists in one’s work setting. As recognized, the symptoms such as high turnover, low productivity, low performance and no commitment or concern are manifestations of a greater problem. The root cause for all of these is the failure of management to design and implement motivation and performance evaluation programs that would gauge the performance of all personnel and motivate all workers to perfo rm according to what the organization needs to achieve. In this regard, this is a motivational problem and leadership problem. Alternative Courses of Action 1. Status Quo: This course of action simply ignores the problem. Nothing is proposed to be done. Nobody stands up to recognize the problem and allows the employees to perform below par. The advantage of this option is that there would not be any disruption in the present set-up; as no proposal for change is suggested. On the other hand, the disadvantage of this option is that continued high turnover would result in lower productivity and the continued lack of motivation would cause lower morale. The result would be lower financial returns and possibly financial losses, in the long run. 2. Get out of the Organization by Resigning: This course of action would enable one to relieve oneself from the burden of seeing and experiencing unproductive colleagues who are indifferent; always complaining and exudes low morale. The advantage of this option is that one could possibly find employment in other organizations with more positive working environment with high morale and with an effective motivational system in place. Likewise, the disadvantage of this option is that one could not find an immediate replacement of one’s employment and could end up unemployed and unproductive. Further, this option would not solve the problem in the organization. 3. Send a Formal Advice to Management: This course of action aims to make the management team aware of the low morale and low performance due to the lack of motivation exemplified through ineffective performance evaluation, a system of rewards and punishments, and the application

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