Friday, October 18, 2019

Positives and negatives of obamas presidency period Research Paper

Positives and negatives of obamas presidency period - Research Paper Example One of the most commendable aspects of the Obama presidency has been his rapprochement with the Iranian government over its nuclear program. The fact that the Iranian nuclear program has been a source of major controversy over the past decade can be considered to have been a source of much contention on the international scene. This is mainly because of the fact that the United States has been drawn into the issue as a result of the activities of the powerful Israeli lobby which has had much influence in the formulation of American policies over Iran. It is for this reason that Iran has been largely isolated from the international scene due to the sanctions imposed against it by most of the western powers (Mostofi 226). In addition, the economic sanctions that have been imposed against it have created a situation where its people have come to face many hardships mainly because of the constant shortages of food as well as the reduction of the purchasing power of the state because of t he blockade on its financial sector. Moreover, the decision to impose sanctions against it has ensured that the prices of natural gas and oil have remained high on the global markets in addition to the lack of exploitation of the extensive reserves that Iran possesses. Therefore, the initiative taken by Obama to promote dialogue with Iran has ensured that American interests will be protected within this country once the negotiations come to an end. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have come to be extremely unpopular with the American public and this is mainly because of the fact that there has been massive loss of American life as well as high expenditure in wars which have failed to achieve their intended objectives ("Obama Commits to Troop Withdrawal from Iraq by 2011" 3). It is for this reason that Obama’s order to withdraw American troops from both of these

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