Thursday, February 13, 2020

Impact of New Technology In the Public Sector In England Essay

Impact of New Technology In the Public Sector In England - Essay Example ced in 1976 by the police scientific development branch in the UK and the operation began in 1979.The first arrest was made in 1981 which was a stolen car. A number of persons have also been credited for the development of the ANPR to the modern structure, among them include; Bernard Hogan Howe, a metropolitan commissioner in the UK. The scope of offered services includes facilities to curb rising insecurity, drug trafficking, uninsured vehicles, untaxed and unlicensed vehicles. Following the recent innovations in the last decade, especially the introduction of the ANPR, cases of insecurity has been on the decrease. Police and security services have been able to track all the vehicles. This technology can store images and also text from the license plate. Statement of the Problem Stakeholders in the security sector have realized the need to embrace this technology in the country. The increase of the use of ANPR has been associated with a number of factors such as; it saves valuable p olice time, saves valuable police resources, helps in advancing investigation, it enforces arrest. Research Questions This Study was guided by the following research questions: 1. To what extent do the police departments embrace ANPR? 2. To what extent do the ANPR contribute to the efficiency? 3. What are the challenges faced by the security personnel in the adoption of the ANPR? Objectives of the Study Overall Objective: The overall objective of this study was to establish the effect of ANPR service delivery in the police sector. Specific Objectives: Specifically, the study sought to: 1. Establish the use and management of ANPR technology in the security sector. 2. To determine the effect of ANPR technology on the operations of police in England. 3. To find out the challenges faced by the... The study was primarily set within England context, with the focus on metropolitan police in England to explore and evaluate the effects of the ANPR on English. This area was preferred for the study because ANPR was first introduced in UK and also the presence of many vehicles on the roads in the United Kingdom. The findings of the study are useful to different stakeholders of the population. Firstly, UK citizens can use the study to educate themselves in order not to be on the wrong side of the law. Secondly, the findings of this study can be used by security personnel to control cases of rising insecurities in England. The study has exposed the Strengths and Weaknesses of this technology. The study was conducted in England and its environs, which is located in Europe. The study dealt with the citizens and security personnel of England who are served by the metropolitan police commission. The area was chosen because of its geographical position in Europe, first country to introduce this technology and also presence of many cars in its roads. Moreover, past studies showed that England has the most number of insecurities in the region. These reasons made the data collected from this study area to be one of the most reliable in the country. From this study, there is a close relationship between use of Automatic Number Plate Recognition and decrease in insecurity. This is because before introduction of this technology department of commission experienced a high rate of insecurity in England.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Impact of New Technologies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Impact of New Technologies - Assignment Example This fact is applicable to art as well and not only in the disciplines. Just like conventional methods of creating art, digital artists require time fulfil their goals and accomplish masterpieces. For instance, Andrew Liszewski reveals how 3-D scanning can upgrade Renaissance cultures. Liszewski describes the entire creation as a â€Å"painstakingly long computer-controlled milling procedure† (Liszewski 2014). The same description is relatively applicable to traditional artworks such as Leonardo da Vinci’s â€Å"Monalisa† and Michelangelo’s painting â€Å"The Creation of Adam,† which took several years to complete. Tangibility has often been a pivotal aspect of art but is no longer a main concern. Digital techniques are a disruptive innovation in the field of art ITN (Source 2007). However, this technology does not disrupt their fineness in comparison with traditional methods of creating art. One can easily compare 3-D scanning and conventional methods of creating art to achieve a critical analysis both formal arts. However, competing both forms of art makes it difficult to justify the digital methods of creating art. Barry X Ball’s final product is helpful because original sculpture lost a number of elements over the years (Museum of Arts and Design 2013). This effort makes the ready scanning artist’s creation and almost necessary endeavor for admirers of the original sculpture. Whether the above artists’ works are used in graphic projects or for commercial reasons is important. When 3-D scanning or digital methods are used to create art, the products are considered applied arts. As a result, proponents of traditional methods of creating art would argue that such applied arts are not at par with traditional works of art. For example, Barry X Ball employs a different style of art with different methods in contrast to the creator of the original sculpture. Ball uses art concepts used